Pulmonary rehabilitation is a focused treatment program for patients with lung diseases, which have shortness of breath or unusual tiredness while performing activities of daily living, with difficulty to execute them or complete them and with reduced exercise tolerance, although they use the maximum medical therapy. The program aims to perform a global intervention based on a thorough assessment of the patient, then adapted and programmed treatment to improve physical and psychological condition, and promote long-term behavior change and improve the health of people with respiratory disease crônica¹. It can be performed in various age groups, from which there is a diagnosis and referral by the attending physician. The concept of rehabilitation dates back to the 40s, when it was considered an approach that assumes the wide view of the individual: clinical, emotional, social and vocacional²! Pulmonary Rehabilitation name emerged in 1948 in France, Jean Moulin³ Center. In 1974 he was recognized and respected by the American College of Chest Physicians4. And since the 70 pulmonary rehabilitation programs gained greater acceptance and became the subject of numerous studies. Our work has become strongly influenced by the concepts and protocols of the American Thoracic Society and European Respiratory Society, soon after we personally received training from one of the greatest scientists of European society the Prof.Dr. Rik Gosselink.! Our challenge is to seek strategies for the acquisition of a pulmonary rehabilitation that returns confidence, autonomy and physical capacity for a return to productive activity, or simply, the strength to live with joy and producing results. You're welcome! It will be a pleasure to have you with us !!